The States affected by fragility, conflict or violence face growing threats to state security, the economy, and to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Major challenges such as a turbulent economy or surges of violence are causes of human insecurity altering people’s way of life. ESA EO4SD Fragility, Conflict and Security aims to make EO-based products and services mainstream tools in the working processes of projects funded by international financial institutions. The goal is to provide meaningful support that will contribute to an increase in both environmental and human security in states affected by fragility.
- Extensive multilevel stakeholder engagement to identify and map users’ needs
- Demonstrate the benefit and utility of Earth Observation (EO) based information in support of international development projects and activities focused on human and environmental security
- Strategic planning and partnerships with key International Financial Institutions (IFI) and their client states. This includes direct support to their programmes and projects in addition to collaborating on monitoring & evaluation methodologies, policies and planning using EO for international sustainable development
- Mainstreaming and transferring EO-based information into operational working processes of the individual countries and development organizations ensuring its long-term usage
- Regional presence and capacity building activities, concerning the use of EO-based information (e.g. training courses, e-learning platform, training material, etc.)
- Supporting the World Bank in their planning, implementation and post-project assessment of projects in states affected by fragility
- Natural resources management: detection and monitoring of illegal resource extraction (ivory, fish, timber, minerals); detecting and monitoring trafficking of illegally extracted natural resources; land use/land cover mapping; assessment of agriculture resources or water resources
- Justice, law and early detection of onset of crises: support to election planning and implementation; detection of illegal activities (illicit crops, terrorist training camps, the proliferation of controlled materials-weapons); detection of crimes against humanity; detection and monitoring of in region population displacements; assessment of onset/damage of violence
- Reconstruction and development of infrastructure: unexploded ordnance (UXO) assessment and planning; damage characterization and reconstruction planning support; support to the establishment of property rights (land spatial planning); infrastructure construction monitoring (bridges, schools)
- Management of environmental security: Pollution and contamination sites assessment; characterization of primary/secondary disease reservoir habitats; critical ecosystem assessment.
- Support for operations in states affected by fragility: Project preparation; implementation and supervision; evaluation
The portfolio provides a list of the state-of-the-art EO-based information services available to support development projects in states affected by fragility.

Where we work
Fragility, conflict and security can support projects in any country affected by fragility, which is determined by societal, environmental, political, societal or security related factors in society. The OECD defines fragility as “… the combination of exposure to risk and insufficient coping capacity of the state, system and/or communities to manage, absorb or mitigate those risks”.
- Colombia, Peru and Ecuador in South America
- Niger, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, DRC, Kenya and Somalia in Africa
- Iraq in the Middle East
- Pakistan and Afghanistan in South Asia
- Kiribati in the Pacific
Specific countries have been selected in liaison with IFIs based on their needs, but the project might expand to other regions.

- World Bank FCV group
- World Bank Global Solutions Group on Stability, Peace, and Security
- UNDP/UN Environment actions on FCV
- African Development Bank, Transition Support Department

There are 8 different organizations and companies in this consortium with expert knowledge and competencies within the fields of earth observation, development and communication. Fragility, conflict and security is led by CLS with the partners listed below. Read more about them either by clicking on their project logo to get to their website or click the "Read more" button below.