EO4SD-FCS Final Report
This final report presents an overview of the activities conducted during the EO4SD-FCS project as well as its main achievements.
08 December 2021EO4SD-FCV: User feedback Video
An important part of the ESA EO4SD-FCS project is to ensure that the service delivered meet the stakeholders expectation and really provide some added value to their activity.
12 October 2021EO4SD-FCS platform user guide
Sistema and UNITAR have produced a short user guide video in order to facilitate better user access to the project online GIS platform.
07 July 2021Mainstreaming Review with the World Bank staff
The EO4SD-FCS consortium organized a Mainstreaming Review with the World Bank staff that had benefited from the services delivered during the project.
25 June 2021Our Online Course Reached the 1,000+ participants Milestone
The “Geospatial Information Technology (GIT) in Fragile Contexts” online course, developed under the scope of this project, has now reached more than 1,000 participants on the UNITAR platform alone.
21 May 2021
Workshop Delivered during the 2021 Virtual Practitioners Workshop on Conflict Early Warning/Early Action
On 18 May 2021 UNOSAT delivered a capacity building session as part of the 2021 Virtual Practitioners Workshop on Conflict Early Warning/Early Action hosted by the Center on International Cooperation, a non-profit research center housed at New York Uni
21 May 2021Road network vulnerability in Congo
The Democratic Republic of Congo is known for its fertile forests which cover over 68% of the country and heavy rainfall that often exceed 150mm per month.
12 May 2021Monitoring reconstruction efforts in Mosul, IRAQ
After meeting at Washington DC headquarters, the World Bank team expressed interest for a EO4SD FCS demonstration in Mosul in support to the Emergency Operation for Development in Iraq.
27 April 2021
Building damage assessment and evolution in the context of armed conflict in English-speaking Cameroon
In spring 2020, a World Bank Group team working on an economic assessment of the English-speaking part of Cameroon submitted a request to the EO4SD FCS consortium to help them assess over time the evolutions of structural assets.
19 April 2021